Crack NAATI CCL - Grab those 5 points!

The only


Test Preparation

Know The Test

Understand in depth the rules and requirements of the test.


Dialogue Practice

Absolutely! This is THE most crucial aspect! Practice as many dialogues as possible.


Mock Test

Understand where you stand, correct your mistakes, and be ready to face the actual test.



Find the comprehensive set of vocabulary here! But remember, if you are fluent in Malayalam, need not spend a lot of time on these!

factors to ace the test

WhatsApp - 8078316592


➡₹4,999 for access to the learning module (Has over 80 practice dialogues out of which 40 are past exam dialogues - website does not support recording - rather gives the answer transcripts with all audios + note taking exercises + vocabulary)

➡₹1,300 per one-on-one session - 1 hour

➡₹650 - 30 mints - dialogue practice + feedback alone

If choosing a package:

➡ 6 sessions (1hour) + materials + Five 15 mins mocks = ₹12000

➡10 sessions (1 hour) + materials + Five 15 mins mocks = ₹15000

➡6 mocks (30 mins each) - dialogue practice only - ₹3000

Need 1-1 Sessions or Mock Sessions?

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About Me

Hello! 😊

I'm Niveditha, your guide to NAATI CCL success.

In 2021, when Malayalam was first included in the NAATI CCL test, I embarked on my CCL journey, initially focusing on developing the first-ever Malayalam preparation materials and later transitioning to tutoring. Since then, I've had the privilege of helping over 400 students like you achieve this milestone. Alongside my work as an HR professional at Cognizant, I offer private coaching part-time.

While I'm not a NAATI-certified interpreter, I'm a dedicated freelancer with extensive experience and expertise to help you earn those valuable points. I've invested countless hours creating comprehensive materials and classes to ensure you're well-prepared. You can trust the resources here as your one-stop solution – you've got this! I'm excited to be a part of your journey to success. Practice well, and all the best!

Happy Students!


  • Absolutely yes! I have started with the basic orientation, easiest note taking strategies and enough dialogues of all complexities covering each and every CCL domain.

  • ➡ ₹3,999 for access to the learning module

    ➡ ₹1,300 per one-on-one session

    If choosing a package:

    ➡ 6 sessions + materials + Two 15 mins mocks additional= ₹9,500

    ➡ 10 sessions + materials = ₹11,500

  • Enrol for the course, give full dedication to the materials and instruction so that it covers 90% of your preparation.

    Choose 2-3 milestones in between your practice and take maximum 1/2 mocks to correctly evaluate your performance (choose the number depending on your practice progress.)

    Go for less or no mocks if you find you got the knack of it

  • Please get in touch through phone or email, I’ve got your back.

  • Unfortunately, I do not have the infrastructure for it. But you’ll be provided enough instructions on how the test interface will be and the practice mode will only be through Zoom live interaction.